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experiential travel

Experiential travel is an increasingly popular pursuit with adventurous tourists. No longer satisfied with the same old thing, more of us are seeking out unique and memorable experiences when we travel. Passive holidays lying on a beach in Spain or shopping in New York are all well and good, but some of us want more. […]

welsh patagonia

What do you know about Welsh Patagonia? Most people (rightly) associate Patagonia with two countries, Argentina and Chile. There’s another country that’s worth mentioning, though: Wales.

climbing clothes

Climbing clothes are not exactly the height of fashion, but they are an absolute must for safe hiking. If you’re an experienced climber or hiker, you’ve probably got already got an entire wardrobe of purpose-designed climbing clothes. You know the score. For those that aren’t quite so experienced, or are planning their first hiking expedition, […]

family adventure holidays

Looking into family adventure holidays this year? Holidays are a great way to bond with loved ones, but sometimes they’re just a little dull. For adventurous families, traditional holiday destinations and activities just won’t cut it. Sunbathing in Spain? Shopping in New York? Too ordinary. For adventure-minded families, it’s all about the extraordinary. Forget the tried and […]

glacier national park hiking

Considering one of Argentina’s Glacier National Park hiking trails? The park, also known as Los Glaciares National Park, is a must-visit destination in Patagonia. Covering over 7,296 square kilometres, it’s Argentina’s largest national park. UNESCO declared it a world heritage site in 1981, and that should come as no surprise to anybody that’s ever visited. The Argentinian […]

general carrera lake

General Carrera Lake is one of the most picturesque bodies of water in Patagonia. The lake spans both Chile and Argentina, and General Carrera Lake is its Chilean name. On the Argentinian side, they know it better as Lake Buenos Aires. Both names are widely used and internationally accepted, however, so take your pick. Whatever […]

South America’s twelve vast and culturally different countries are heaving with beauty and nature at each and every turn. Join us as we celebrate the most stunning places of all – just don’t be surprised if you’re inspired to jump on the next plane to South America as a result!

baltic sea cruise

The enchanting, ancient cities dotted along the coasts of the Baltic Sea are what inspire many cruise goers to explore this region by ship. But when is the best time to take a Baltic Sea cruise and what delights should you expect to encounter at different times of the year?

andes argentina

Often described as the spine of South America, the Andes Mountains cut through South America, giving countries such as Peru and Chile high-altitude terrain that is perfect for hiking and other outdoor adventures. But it’s along the Andes in Argentina where unique climatic features and the accessibility of certain peaks have been used to benefit […]

Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos Islands were the inspiration for Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, and serve as an inspirational holiday destination for adventurous and nature-loving couples. The grouping of around 19 islands lies in the Pacific Ocean, with land occupying either side of the equator.