The film “Journey to the End of the World” is a documentary directed in the 1970s by Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Philippe Cousteau, and Marshall Flaum. The theme makes one dream: we follow the explorers for 4 months during a trip to Antarctica. Nowadays, it is much easier to get to the frozen continent, and tourism is developing even in this seemingly hostile part of the world. Here are a few tips to prepare your stay if you are seriously considering boarding a ship for a trip to the end of the world!
How to plan your journey to the end of the world?
Few documentary films have aroused such enthusiasm! In 1976, when the film was released in cinemas, Antarctica’s trip was synonymous with a unique and dangerous expedition.
The white continent was shot from every angle, and unusual wildlife and landscapes could be observed from shots taken on land, underwater and in the air. It is now possible to plan a vacation in these explorers’ footsteps and closely observe all these mythical landscapes.
How to plan your journey to the end of the world?
The easiest way to approach the frozen continent is to plan a Patagonia trip. If you decide to go on a cruise, you will have the chance to observe the local fauna by setting off at the right time of the year (check beforehand according to the species you wish to watch).
What are the best options for organizing a trip to the end of the world?
Unless you want to play the intrepid explorer, it is better to organize your trip carefully to enjoy beautiful places and comfort.
The seaway to travel on icy waters
For an unforgettable trip to the end of the world, the cruises offered by Australis are well designed. The package “Explorers of Patagonia ” is ideal for an adventure in complete safety and a good comfort level. Departure is from the city of Ushuaïa in Argentina, and arrival is in Puntas Arenas, Chile.
During a 5-day and 4-night trip, you will enjoy an exceptional cruise from the extreme south of the American continent to the north, crossing magnificent sites that few travelers have had the chance to admire. Highlights include the Beagle Channel, the Strait of Magellan, the Cape Horn Natural Park, the passage close to massive glaciers. Depending on the season, it is possible to observe colonies of Magellan penguins or sea lions.
Discover Patagonia by land
Sailing allows you to discover the small wild islands on which animals live and see the ground that no foot has ever trodden. But for those who do not have a sea foot, it is possible to observe part of the region’s richness by staying on land. Visits to nature reserves are certainly the most outstanding experiences to get closer to the wilderness.
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