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to live in chile

In Chile holidays include a number of traditional festivals all year round. These celebrations commemorate historical events, rural traditions or Catholic religious festivals. Often, Chile’s rich indigenous history is blended with European customs to create fascinating and colorful festivals. Below, we explain some of the country’s most important holidays, from the enchanting Easter Island Tapati […]

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chile food

Stretching over 2,600 miles, Chile is a country that covers a range of landscapes and climates. From the Atacama Desert to the frozen Patagonian Ice Fields, Chile is a country of enormous geographical diversity. As a result, the country has a vast range of dishes to sample. In Chile food is diverse as the country’s […]

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chilean authors

Chile has a rich literary history. Known as the ‘land of poets’, this long skinny nation is famous for its bold and unusual works of literature that cover everything from love, to politics, to the country’s dramatic landscape As a result, Chileans are extremely proud of their literature – and so they should be. This […]

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chilean red wine

When asked to name quality red wines, people often think of French varieties like Bordeaux. Equally, Spanish grapes like Rioja might spring to mind, or Chianti from Italy. However, contrary to popular belief, many of the world’s finest red wines come from New World producers. Some of the best hail from South America, such as […]

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chile wine country

Chile is a fantastic destination for any wine enthusiast. In Chile wine country is remarkably accessible, with many of the best vineyards located within a 100-mile radius of the capital, Santiago. Many of these wineries are steeped in history – for a New World producer, much of Chile’s vineyards have a strong sense of tradition. […]

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solo traveling experience

Chile is an unforgettable place to embark on a solo traveling experience. The country’s dramatic landscape plays host to majestic mountains, vast deserts, and huge glaciers. However, the stunning landscape isn’t the only thing the world’s longest country has to offer. Chilean cities are vibrant and cosmopolitan, with the capital Santiago boasting excellent cuisine and […]

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patagonia region

The Chilean Patagonia region is a wild, untamed landscape. The rugged coastline, winding roads, dense forests, and enormous icefields are an awe-inspiring sight. Furthermore, Patagonia is some of the most sparsely populated land on the planet. Filled with fascinating endemic species and rare plant life, Patagonia is a haven for wildlife lovers. Amidst this vast, […]

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biking colchagua valley

When most people think of South American wine, they think Argentinian malbec. Equally, when people think of Chilean wine, they cite chardonnay. However, if you’re a red wine lover that’s looking for something a bit different, then biking Colchagua Valley is a fabulous choice. Nestled between the Andes and the Chilean coastal mountains, the valley’s […]

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hiking with kids chile

Many would think that South America was only for super-fit pro-hikers. When people talk about trekking in Chile and Argentina, most cite extreme trails like the W trek or the Q circuit. This might make many think that hiking in Chile and Argentina with kids is out of the question. But adventuring parents, never fear […]

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leisure time travel

From the glaciers of Patagonia to the geysers of El Tatio, Chile is a land of ice and fire. Positioned on the Pacific Ring of Fire, Chile sits on the edge of a tectonic plate. As a result, the country experiences a lot of volcanic activity. Perfect for the intrepid explorer, there are several breathtaking […]

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