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A Delight for True Connoisseurs: Chilean Wine

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It is a science in and of itself. There are many types of wine in every price range, but true connoisseurs know exactly how to identify a truly good wine. A lot of qualities depend on how the grapes were exposed to the sun, the way they were picked up, and, of course, how and for how long the wine was stored.

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Buying a Chilean Wine

You can find a variety of wine shops in Chile. Chilean wine is considered particularly “velvety”, as grapes grow on the foot of the Andes.

Types of Wine

As in most winemaking regions, Chilean comes in white and red varieties. According to connoisseurs, the taste of Chilean wine can range from silky to heavy. The vines grown for its production are Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. A French variety called Carménère is also very popular. It is surprising that, despite its exceptionally good quality, Chilean wine is quite cheap.

Meanwhile, Chilean white wine is receiving more and more attention. This may be due to the fact that Chilean white wine is particularly fresh and elegant. Therefore, it is especially suited to go with light, summer foods.

The white wine produced in Chile is made primarily from Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc vines.

Where in Chile is Wine Produced?

The Chilean central region is ideal for viticulture. Within that area, the Maipo and Maule valleys, both of them located south of Santiago, are especially prominent in wine production. Apaltagua and Cono Sur cellars are considered promoters of Chilean wine.

What’s the Secret behind the Success of Chilean Wine?

Aside from a very special climate and clean air, the grapevines growing in Chile are nourished with water from the melted snow coming from the Andes. Furthermore, modern systems guarantee that they receive the exact amount of water required to make the best wine possible.

Additionally, the high peaks found in the Andes create specific climate conditions that are particularly favorable for winemaking. Temperature fluctuations, with warm days and cold nights allow for the healthy growth for the grapes.

A Wine with History

Chilean wine has a long tradition. The earliest records of wine production date back to the 16th century, when the first vines were planted in Chile. Spanish conquerors brought the first vines to South America. Due to that early start in wine production, Chile also became a pioneering exporter.

It Is Worth Knowing the Chilean Viticulture

It is worth mentioning that Chile is the only country in the world that as of today has not been affected by phylloxera.

The Soil or Terroir: The Base for Chilean Wine

Aside from the local climate, everybody knows how important the soil –or terroir- is for crops and agriculture. Once again, Chilean grapevines grow in exceptionally good conditions: soils have good drainage indexes, with enough ventilation and a great variety of textures.

Depending on the wine region, Chile has different types of soil, from gravely, rocky ones, to volcanic, muddy and humid soils. You can find all types of soil, which accounts for the great variety of Chilean wines, with different types to satisfy everyone’s taste.

Due to all of the above, a good bottle of Chilean wine is a must on the shopping list for your next leisure weekend.

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