Patagonia and other adventure travel destinations
A blog for adventurers who like to travel in style
Discover morePlanning a trip to Argentina? Good for you. From its sandy beaches and bustling cities to the unspoiled beauty of Patagonia, there’s a lot to do and see. Preparing for an Argentinian vacation is a key part of the process. You’ve got to research and decide which parts of the country you want to see. It’s […]
Have you ever asked yourself “why are glaciers white?” Obvious as it may seem, it’s not a stupid question. It’s a good question, in fact, and a lot of people couldn’t answer it. Most people don’t spend all that much time thinking about glaciers, and we think that’s a shame. Glaciers are some of the most […]
There are many ways to enjoy leisure time. Some people like to read, others like to meditate, others still like to go on adventure holidays. For many, nothing beats the simple pleasure of a glass of well-made wine. If you’re planning to visit Chile anytime soon, you can experience adventure during the day while getting to […]
Planning for Patagonia holidays this year? Congratulations. You’ve picked the destination of a lifetime and you won’t be disappointed. Patagonia is a beautiful part of the world and there’s no good reason that you won’t have a great time – unless you fail to plan, of course. Ensure that your Patagonia holidays are a success […]
We all have our own ideas about what a good holiday entails. For some of us, lying on the beach just doesn’t do it. Does flying high in adventure balloons sound more like your idea of fun? How about diving with great white sharks? If you fancy yourself as more of an adventurous traveller, we’ve […]
Visit Chile in September, and you’ll undoubtedly hear talk of Chile Independence Day. If you’re lucky enough to be there on and around the 18th of September, you’ll get to join in the celebration. The 18th marks Chile Independence Day and is known locally as the Dieciocho. Whether you’re planning a trip or are just […]
Planning your next South America backpacking route? Congratulations. Backpacking through South America tops many bucket lists, and with good reason. The sheer scale of the continent, as well as its natural beauty, are hard to beat. Backpacking offers freedom and a sense of adventure that is hard to find with other holidays. Whether you’re a […]
How well do you know your cruise vessels? The cruise ship Magellan will be familiar to many that have cruised in the Bahamas. The Holiday-class cruise ship has decades of history behind it, and this guide will tell you all you need to know. What is the cruise ship Magellan? The MS Magellan is a massive […]
South America is arguably the world’s most beautiful continent when it comes to natural wonders. Pound for pound, South America landmarks can compete with anywhere else on earth. If you’re planning a South American vacation (or just dreaming about it), it’ll help to know a few of the continent’s key landmarks. This quick guide might […]
There are plenty of good reasons to visit Argentina. Whether you’re a Malbec-mad wine lover or a city slicker, there’s something to see. The landforms of Argentina are some of the world’s most breathtaking and aren’t to be missed. Perhaps the best reason of all to visit this part of South America, however, is its […]